Thursday, October 20, 2011

Nurturing women's underwear

Have you heard? Menopause is a spiritual transition.

It is a fact that demands great and sacred profound self-supplied from within. During this phase of life, women and men around him, is asked to journey into the uncharted territory and embrace the feminine energies in an unusual way. At least they were directed to find a balance between masculine and feminine energies within themselves.

On the surface, menopause is still often defined as a kind of temporary state of being on the basis of a hormonal change. And according to the design surface, not respect, it is time to remember the deeper mysteries of the body, reflecting the constant flow and re-balance of humanity and spirit of yin and yang.

Unlike their predecessors from centuries old, or their representatives before the 1990's, menopause and does not inspire visions of old crones gray stunted limbs, maids or even the grandmother of the hood and retirement. The young woman, vibrant and wise are the ambassadors instead of this passage. In the circles of the goddess, not a new term for that in this particular life cycle: they are the queens!

Almost all women in any stage of menopause will tell - either pre-or peri post - this is a time of incredible growth and multidimensional change, especially when browsing naturally. One of the physical symptoms may encourage a thought or an emotional response, which if given the slightest attention can lead to moments of great inspiration and revelation. Conversely, the recognition that the same creativity and the connection goes back to an uplifting sense of physical warmth and comfort, and an embarrassment aggravating, depending on the person or the moment.

Whether consciously or not a trip, menopause almost always resort to the deepest forms of inner strength and endurance, self-esteem, confidence and inherent internal expandability sometimes unbearable, even when hormone replacement therapy the preferred method of administration.

There is only so much a false floor can hold.

Indeed, the appropriate word when applied to any attempt to control menopause (hormone replacement therapy or herbal support), the administration can potentially make the trip a little smoother for a while. However, there is another option. Domain, an essential practice of curiosity, self-compassion, positive attitude, intriguing emotional balancing acts and juggling skills, physical health and a focus on the spiritual connection, or devotion.

In fact, all eventually realize that there is no control of much of anything in life, let alone this wonderful cycle, despite its many capillaries unmarked denial. The creative power of menopause is unfathomable, and is not an exaggeration. Women can also consider this as an important event because it will have in the shadows of the unknown if they are ready or not. Mastery - skill, knowledge and virtuosity among other definitions - is proportionately much more accommodating vein through which energy flows can move larger and flow.

Unfortunately, menopause is not seen by the outside, not the menopause world as something beyond some sort of middle age, a physical event or, curiously, a day that marks the end of menstruation. Now it's different. Consider this: 11 years ago, a total of approximately 281.5 million people, there were 32 million women in the U.S. between the ages of 35-49. That's more than 11 percent of the total U.S. population.

Today, these same women are now between 46-60 years old, somewhere in the cycle of menopause. Along with the incredibly large and influential part of the population, we thank Dr. Christiane Northrop for its current visibility state. Since the publication of "Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom" in 1994, many interesting and informative books have been published about the menopause, their physical, emotional and even spiritual. They are full of personal stories, information on how to alleviate the symptoms and management of life during menopause.

No one, however, has written a book on the real domain of the energy of a woman's body during menopause. There are several key sections and chapters of a book on the energy domain of menopause:

1. Acceptance

2. Gratitude

3. Enjoyment

4. Fun

5. Confidence

6. Self-pity

7. Self-empowerment

8. Self-observation

Meanwhile, here are some questions to reflect on the present or for future reference:

'As women take practical command of his spiritual journey during menopause?

- How to find the domain here, and then help guide the next generation through this incredibly challenging and magical time in life?

-What if one day down the road access to herbs and supplements, not to mention pharmaceuticals, refused to allow the average person?

-What if there was no more and no candles tub of sea salt, CDs and iPods, chamomile tea?

-What if there were foreign substances and resources away from eating?

-What if we were asked to find a way to communicate with the true God and Goddess of our hearts, instead of a soft ideal that makes us feel good ... temporarily?

-What if mankind was a full day with remembrance blessed and guided it to a gateway to the deepest part inherent in most of our being?

- Do we know the way? Would have to have the courage to step through the door, to embrace the truth of our inner sanctuary and its essence?

-Would be willing to nurture enough to find that door and to argue that once out of it?

Read more about our Queen of the Community Fire in the energy connection. Visit: # community

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