Sunday, October 7, 2012

A Mini-Hair Thursday Makeover

If you don’t mind, let’s digress and briefly chat about the photo on the right. You see, as Wita approaches her 2nd birthday, it seems she has taken to dressing herself. Here’s a delightful number she threw together on the morning of her hair appointment. Let’s see – we have her colorful striped pajamas as the base layer, followed by a navy jacket she outgrew a year ago, her brother’s swim trunks and brown suede boots, and the piece de resistance, a pair of swim goggles. Let’s get this girl her own fashion blog! Too bad isn’t available. Back to the hair. Although we live smack dab in the land of little girls with long, sun-kissed locks, I’ve never envisioned my little girl with long hair. Call me old-fashioned, but nothing delights (yes, I said “delights,” and I mean it) me more than a shorter style that shows off all those perfectly lovable baby girl features that will be gone before a blink of an eye. Specifically, the chin-length bob with bangs combo. It’s just so fresh and adorable and stylish, and the cut truly sets itself apart from the sea of baby beach bunnies around here.